Monday, May 3, 2010

Matthew 1-7

This week we're opening up the Bible in a Year Blog. We're starting with Matthew 1-7 until we finally finish the New Testament in late December 2010. Then, on to the O.T.

It is fitting that the Gospel of Matthew is the first of the NT because it was the favorite (or most wide spread) Gospel of the early Christians. Since the first disciples were all Jewish, Matthew sought to prove that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Matthew, more than any other Gospel writer, found Jesus' Messiahship in random and important places where Jewish people would know to look:

1. Genealogy - Greek converts might not care if a NT verse fulfills OT Scripture because they don't hold OT Scripture as authoritative. But to a Jewish listener, fulfillment of the OT Scriptures is a necessity for Jesus as Messiah.

2. Titles - King, Messiah, Savior, "God with us", etc. - all are significant in their Jewish context.

3. Numerology - Parallels between 12 Tribes and 12 Disciples, or 40 years wandering in desert and Jesus' 40 days of fasting before Temptation are all significant.

4. Fulfilled prophesies - As you begin to read this Gospel, look for the amazing number of OT Bible verses that are quoted and referenced in the middle or bottom of your reference Bible's pages.

You are welcome to read the chapters assigned this week on a daily basis (one chapter per day) or in one big chunk. You can even read ahead if you like. But be sure to focus in on the key themes in this week's readings - they cover over 30 years of Jesus' life very quickly.

Ch. 1-2 Genealogy & Christmas Birth Story
Ch. 3-4 Jesus' Baptism & Temptation
Ch. 5-7 The Sermon on the Mount

Pray that God would speak to you through your reading and feel free to comment here on your thoughts and questions. - Pastor Jim

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