Sunday, May 9, 2010

Matthew 8-14

Matthew intentionally structured his Gospel around 5 sermons of Jesus. For any Jewish readers, this structure would resemble the Torah, the first 5 books of the Old Testament. According to Matthew, the 5 sermons of Jesus complete the picture of Jesus as Lawgiver/Teacher. They don't replace the Law of Moses or the Torah, but his words do refine and complement God's instruction to the people of the New Covenant. Here are the 5 sermons that form the structure of the Gospel:

1. Matthew 5-7 - Sermon on the Mount
2. Matthew 10 - Instructions for disciples on a mission
3. Matthew 13 - Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
4. Matthew 18 - Authentic Discipleship
5. Matthew 24-25 - Sermon on the Last Days

When Jesus taught, people were amazed and crowds gathered. Other rabbis taught with borrowed authority, but Jesus continually told the crowds that his message was not borrowed, and that his authority came from within himself. He even had the audacity to claim that his authority matched that of Scripture. For Matthew, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of David, the fulfillment of Scripture, the true Israel, the new Moses, and the new Lawgiver. But he's more than that - he is the one true God! Matthew paints this image of Jesus very beautifully in these chapters we read this week. Pay particular attention to his promise to bring about redemption and a new creation (mirroring Isaiah 40-66 in the Old Testament).

Read chapter 9 with particular care: what does Jesus do here? What does he have power over? What does this say about the struggles you have in your own life? If Jesus can conquer these struggles, what new creating can he do in your life? - Pastor Jim

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